

     This class is designed to educate sophomores in high school how to understand and communicate in the English language.  Below are listed assignments and various other items intended for reference for the classroom.  If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me via information found under the “contact me” tab.

book 2


  • Grammar worksheet one
  • Grammar worksheet two
  • To Kill a Mocking Bird essay prompt
  • Personal Reflections Speech:
    • For this assignment, prepare a one to two minute speech that explains something that is important to you.  This could be a hobby, family, a friend, etc.  Choose something that you enjoy, remembering what we discussed in class about speeches.  We will be presenting these in class, be prepared to tell your brief speech to the class.  You will be graded on your content, body language, and fluidity of your voice. 
  • Odyssey Webquest: 
    • This assignment will be done mostly in class.  However, be sure to complete any other uncompleted work outside of class as needed
    • Odyssey Webquest


  • Late work will have a five percent reduction from the final grade of the assignment for each day that it has not been turned in (unless a late pass is used, which each student will receive six of in a semester). 
  • Four tardies (entering the room over two minutes after the final bell) will be equivalent of an unexcused absence of my class.
  • Making up late work
    • Contact me.  If you know that you will be gone on a trip, inform me before hand
    • Tests can be made up, but it must be done on the student's own time (see my schedule for available periods)
  • Reading Quizzes
    • Be prepared to have one on any day that reading is due
    • You can retry taking a quiz for a section, however it will be a different quiz and each day following the original quiz will have a five percent reduction from the grade (similar to late assignment policy)
  • Extra credit: there will be several extra credit opportunities throughout the year, including the following
    • Go to any play and bring back the program
      • Yes, this can be school performances
      • There are several free productions, including Shakespeare in the park (click here for more details)
    • Research paper of the biography of authors we will be studying (click here for more details)